Saturday, December 1, 2007

hardly art/hardly garbage -- Thermals and YACHT at Backspace

The Thermals and YACHT played a free show at Backspace last night. With effort and courage I forced my way into the previously-at-capacity show and proceeded to see one of the better shows of my time. I didn't get in time to see all of YACHT, but Jonas Bechtolt had a bumping set while I was in there. He had some odd multimedia set-up with a projector that he controlled with a little Apple remote control.
While I've never really dug the Blow, Jonas on his own knows how to play. His cut-up and reworked hand-drums and guitars work well in the live setting, although he didn't do much more than just play over recorded versions of the songs.
After YACHT left, a dance-freak-out started on the stage, and the crowd didn't even notice the Thermals had taken the stage until Hutch asked kids nicely to get off. What followed was a rush of power-chords and one-two drum beats, their raw power translating perfectly from the record. Without a second guitarist, some of the solos proved a little thin, but their breakneck momentum made up for it. There was little time between songs, and the songs were short and plenty -- they often only played half a song to maintain their speed and squeeze as many hooks into their time.

Shouting along about a future fascist-Christian America gone wrong was never so fun.

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