Friday, November 30, 2007

Greetings, Traveler!

Dear Reader,

Before you delve into the vast array of posts (13 at time of writing), we'd like to formally introduce ourselves. This is an outlet for all of the art that we have come across, and will come across in our various journeys and exploits. The Pony is meant to be a communal experience, drawing from the cultures we have taken part of, and the cultures we are part of now. No one can predict where we are headed, but for now we want to bring to you:

OUR Music
OUR Culture

But the Pony is not a one-way medium. This is a dialog, a forum where the readers can write, and we respond. You can submit your own works, works that you have come across in your ventures, or simply ideas you have for us. Through this interaction we hope to create a cultural hub for everyone involved. We hope you enjoy what we have so far, and that you will enjoy future works; now take our hands and we can venture forth, into the blue (again).

The Pomegranate Pony


S.Jay said...
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S.Jay said...

Macattack. Check out Chris Pew's stuff, especially the drawings.